Session 2: Healing Family, Restoring Africa for Global Reformation

The second session of the day had a topic “Healing Family, restoring Africa for global reformation” By Mr. Robinson Asiimwe.

He emphasized the fact that Africa is an agent of reconciliation. Reminding us that we need to reconcile first with God, and then reconcile with all that is around us.

He quoted Genesis 1:26, reminding us that man was created to rule.

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

Africa (read church)  has become so religious. He defined religion as “Man’s attempt to compensate for God’s absence”. Truly, even the Pentecostalism/ Born-againism’ religion are not any better. Jesus’ central message while still on earth was the Kingdom of God, and as followers of Jesus we are to preach the Kingdom gospel and not religion in order to dominate.

He emphasized the 5 Ds for dominion, and these included,

  • Deliverance – Becoming a child of God
  • Discipleship – Being taught and maturing in the Lord.
  • Discover one’s purpose – Walking in what the Lord has called one to do.
  • Deployment – The Lord takes you to where He wants you to be.
  • Dominion- Then one goes on to dominate.

He summarized with the relationship in family where the Husband and Wife need to first relate with God, then they will easily relate with each other closely like the Lord wants them and therefore heal the rifts.

He also quoted Acts 2, Isaiah 8.

More details on video:

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